Products: ผลิตภัณฑ์

Aluminium Anode


Thai Marine Protection Co, Ltd. (TMP) is an expert in produing Aluminium sacrificial anode for the cathodic protection of metals and alloys many applications including ship hulls, piers, pilings, offshore structures, etc. TMP aluminium anode is produced from high purity base metals and designed for optimum performance under various environments. To  guarantee its high quality, TMP is granted approval from DNV-GL for the manufacture of aluminium anode in accordance with the GL-Guideline for Corrosion Protection and Coating System, Section 7. 

Aluminium anode has very high current capacity. Thus, aluminium anode is very attractive in terms of cost and weight saving. TMP aluminium anode can provide very good performance in both sea water and brackish water with competitive price. TMP also manufactures aluminium anode with other compositions on request.


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